Wednesday, February 15

Baby's Weight

After 8 votes (Valerie texted me and said she guesses 25 lbs.), we have one voter, Olivia, who guessed correctly. He weighs 19.5 lbs! He was 26 1/2 inches long (birth length was 19.5 inches). The doctor said babies usually double their birth weight at 6 months...well, he's already doubled his birth weight a couple months ago, so the chubby bug is doing more than good!

During this visit, he peed while the nurse weighed him, he played with the paper on the patient table, and he smiled at the doctor.

The doctor told us to have him sit with us when we eat breakfast, lunch and dinner so that he knows that's when we eat. Once he starts crying and wanting to grab our food, then we know it's time to introduce him to vegetables. Doctor says it's better for us to gradually start him with green beans, asparagus, cauliflower, and spinach. Right now, the Jr. grabs everything in front of him, and he doesn't seem to want our food, so he's not ready for food yet.


  1. Haha ... I was close!! I guessed 19 pounds ;) He's growing up so fast!

  2. haha you were very close :) well, you actually might have been correct because after we weighed him, he peed. lol. a lot.
