Thursday, January 26

Game Night

We were happy to be invited over to the Barnard home for a game night tonight. It consisted of lots of noise, warmth, and happiness due to lots of people, great food, loud laughter, and much talking. Leslie Barnard held Andrew Jr. throughout the night. He was very smiley, drooly, tired, excited, and talkative all at once. After a little while, Josiah and Hannah came over and Josiah got to meet little Andrew for the first time. Josiah wouldn't hold him, though, because he was drooling. There were lots of people of all ages in the house tonight, and most of us enjoyed playing Four on a Couch (a fun memory game) while the rest talked.

//The look he had when we saw a house filled with loud people.

//Baby meets cute Anna.

//Playing Four on a Couch (this is only about 1/5 of the amount of people who played tonight). Philip, Abby and Marc were having fun talking. 

//The happy couple, Jeremiah and Marie.

//There's Katrina; she's so funny and cute. Philip is funny and cute, too, but I caught him at a serious moment.

//Peter...always on that Kindle...and his friend (forgot his name) watches.

//Daniel and Anna

//Mrs. Barnard (Leslie) enjoyed holding baby while we play Four on a Couch. He drooled on her a lot.

//Amanda Barnard; she's such a pretty girl.

//And Hannah; I caught her at a moment she wasn't talking.


  1. That was SO much fun!! I'm glad you all could make it :) I love the caption for the last picture ;) lol


  2. Baby Andrew is so cute! I love all the pictures, they are awesome Alexis :) I love my caption. Thanks for the complement. :)

    1. thanks katrina :) and you're welcome. it was a fun night.
