Sunday, January 1

And the new year begins!

As a first entry in our new family blog, we'd like to say that we look forward to the great plans God has for us in 2012!

Today, we spent the afternoon at Grandma and Grandpa Perron's home. As usual, it was filled with the loud noises of the Sunday football games (Patriots won), dinner discussion, laughter, and board-game-playing. Great-Grandma and Grandpa Perron were there also. Everyone was amazed (once again) at how big Andrew Jr. had grown since the previous Sunday. Valerie was partially sick (she gives thanks to Hannah; Hannah gives thanks to Josiah), so she rested and drank hot apple cidar. Hannah looks forward to Josiah coming home at the end of January. Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Daniel enjoyed playing Settlers of Catan (finally!) -- Daniel's been anxiously waiting all week to play with his new game extensions. Dad showed us the newly finished shelf he built for mom to hold music books; it looked very nice! Mom cooked a great dinner, took a short nap with Andrew Jr., and enjoyed looking at recipes and coupons. Great-Grandma watched football while knitting; Great-Grandpa relaxed and talked with the family. Baby Andrew rolled around like a rolly polly during diaper changes and he improved a bit in his crawling. I took pictures and talked with Hannah about her wedding plans.

// Hannah and Great-Grandpa enjoy seeing baby Andrew again.

// Valerie with her hot apple cidar. Love the nails and jewelry.

// Baby is really starting to grab things within his reach now! Hair, necklaces, tablecloths, etc.

// Baby Andrew is very loved by Philip, Grandpa and the rest.

// Great-Grandpa enjoys talking and relaxing with the family.

// Sisters

// More of Grandpa with baby

// Great-Grandma intensely watches football while knitting and drinking cidar -- so talented!

// Beautiful table setting

//Sleepy time for Grandma and baby

// Andrew is very competitive while playing games.

// Hugs good-bye

// Yes, that's Daniel in the background.

-- Alexis


  1. I love your family blog, Alexis! It looks like you had a great New Year! :)

  2. Thanks, and yes, we had fun and we look forward to this year :)
