Monday, January 21

Me and Baby, Day #1

We began our day by dropping Andrew off at a gas station, where he met the guys he works with. {They are currently on a business trip, so I get to be with baby all alone for 4 whole days :) I think I can manage though. Day 1 was a good day like most days.} Then we went grocery shopping. We sure did save money on this shopping trip!

He was a happy boy for half the shopping trip :)

Tired, but happy and alert!

It wasn't until I turned my back for 5 seconds and all of a sudden I heard a loud thud behind me. Sure enough, he was lying on his back starting to cry. I couldn't believe my baby was the one that fell out of the shopping cart. The things that happen when you have kids... He looked more scared than hurt, so I knew he'd be okay. I just felt bad for forgetting he wasn't strapped in. His jacket and snow pants made that impossible. I'm thankful he fell on lots of padding!

After checking out, incident #2 happened...As the cashier was saying goodbye to baby, I was pushing the cart and he couldn't lift his hand to say "bye" because his hand was stuck between the cart and the checkout table. He cried again, and I felt so bad!

We got home and he took his morning nap, and we spent the rest of the day doing our regular routine. No organizing today for me. Just spent time with baby, picked up the apartment, caught up on a few blog entries, and ate. I bought me and baby a blog of organic unpasteurized cheddar cheese from raw milk. We enjoyed eating that with our apple :)

Andrew called me at 5:30 when he got to his hotel, 10 minutes before going out to a steak restaurant. He sounded like he was having a good time, and he told me he drove for 6 hours. He Facetimed me 2 hours later, so we could see each other, and he showed me his hotel room. He was real tired and very full after eating $25 worth of steak and broccoli! He had me face my phone toward baby so he could watch him sleep :)

What's left of our 20 lbs. of apples. He's likes to take peeks inside the box and grab an apple quick when we're not looking.

"Brooown potato!" Baby loves the musical movies he got for Christmas.

I placed my wedding flowers on our kitchen table.

In the mood to create sweet drop biscuits using red kidney beans and chicken stock. After some changes, the recipe is definitely tasting good.

Eek! This was the first test. It definitely was not edible. Here are the time, less salt!

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