Saturday, February 2

Valentine's Day Decorating; Eggplant Dip

{What we did Friday}

February 1st means it's time to begin decorating for Valentine's Day! So that's what we did. All morning and afternoon. For baby, there was plenty of candle wax-eating, ribbon-messing, tulle-wrapping, scissor-stealing, and pen-scribbling.

A little project we put together for Valentine's Day. The dried flowers were saved from the day baby was born.

Our yummy sweet potato fries. We had a picnic on the bed :)

We had onion and red pepper crackers with eggplant dip and soup for dinner. What's funny about the eggplant dip is my husband tried some of the--what I called vegetable dip--and he said, "Mmm, it's pretty good." But then as soon as I told him the main ingredient {why did I tell him??} he was scared of it. I've learned my

Baby sure made up for all his disinterest in vegetables most of this week. He had FOUR bowls of soup tonight! He had plenty of brussels sprouts, eggplant, tomatoes, and peppers. Italian sausage is a different story...he and I aren't real excited over that flavor of chicken sausage.

Before bed, we had soooo much fun creating huge, crisp shadows on the bedroom wall with baby using a flashlight. It was so funny seeing baby's head shadow fill the entire wall, and he sat there watching the shadows like it was a show. Looks like it's time for puppet-making :)

Friday, February 1

Happy Birthday, Daniel!

Today is Daniel's birthday! We hope he has a great day today and tomorrow as he has his friends over. I'm sure they will enjoy playing games allllll night long. Here's a happy birthday from baby:

Paper Organizing; Stuffed Red Peppers

{What we did Thursday} 

We organized lots and lots {and lots} of papers in between dancing to music, eating, and exercising.

We made some grain-free tortillas from Against All Grain...

...mixed up some banana and avocado...

...and made banana avocado rolls. Yum :)

Being funny on the bed

For dinner, we had Italian stuffed red peppers. Definitely writing this recipe down. They were filled with Italian sausage, green pepper, onion, roasted zucchini, and tomato sauce. Topped with cheddar cheese...mmm...tasted like pizza!

So this is what Andrew does when I ask him to pose, LOL.

Baby had banana on his nose for the longest time and he didn't realize it. So cute :) 

After baby went to bed, Andrew and I stayed up and played a card game, Kings in the Corner for a while. and had dessert: he had the rest of his ice cream, and I had avocado pudding. He won 3 times, I won "Yay for Andrew"...but not next time ;)